1. Differential service and price design for a dating platform
2. UGC, Attention Market and Platforms’ Optimal Subsidy Policy
3. Buyers’ Loyalty, Sellers’ Online/Offline Channel and Platform’s Business Model
4. Do Monetary Incentives Crowd out UGC Contribution? Evidence from Youtube
5. Second-Degree Price Discrimination on Two-Sided Platforms’ Pricing
6. The applicability of G-S algorithm on dating websites
7. G-S算法在招聘网站的可用性研究
8. 激励的负作用研究
1. Yonghong Sun. Platform Openness: from Reseller to Marketplace. CWEIST2019, 西安, 2019.
2. Yonghong Sun. Buyers’ Loyalty, Sellers’ Online/Offline Channel and Platform’s Business Model. CWEIST2019, 西安, 2019.
3. Yonghong Sun. Buyers’ Loyalty, Sellers’ Online/Offline Channel and Platform’s Business Model. CSWIM2019, 深圳龙华人工智能与数据科学研究院, 2019.
4. Yong-Hong Sun, Yuewenliu. Does mianzi really matter? CSWIM2014, 成都, 2014.
5. 孙永洪. 二手房交易税的是与非. 《经济学家茶座》2014年第1期.
6. 孙永洪. The effect of taxation on market exchange and social welfare. 中国经济学年会(第13届,成都,2013).
7. 孙永洪,刘跃文. 经济学家长寿?《经济学家茶座》2012年第4期.
8. 孙永洪. 中国的学术期刊市场=二手车市场?《经济学家茶座》2012年第1期.
9. 姜红丙, 孙永洪, 朱南丽,洞见之中必有修辞——作为论辩的方法,西安交通大学学报,将于2019年第2期刊出.
10. 姜红丙,刘跃文,孙永洪,马建. 论证理论视角下的管理理论构建研究. 管理学报2016年01期。
11. Jian Ma, Wei Xu, Yong-hong Sun, An Ontology-Based Text Mining Method to Cluster Proposals for Research Project Selection, IEEE. Transactions on SMC Part A, vol.42, no.3, pp.784-790, May 2012.
12. Ou Liu, Jun Wang, Jian Ma, Yonghong Sun. An intelligent decision support approach for reviewer assignment in R&D project selection. Computers in Industry, 76 (2016) 1–10.