主要从事外包决策与控制、网络大规模促销下的采购风险控制、供应链管理、智能制造等相关研究。作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项,海外与港澳学者合作研究基金1项。工业工程国家级教学团队成员。主持省专业综合改革试点项目1项。获国家级教学成果二等奖1项,陕西省教学成果一等奖1项。主持《系统工程》国家级精品课,主持《系统工程》国家级精品资源共享课。获陕西省科学技术二、三等奖各1项。《系统工程》MOOCS在国内主流在线教育平台如清华学堂在线、北大爱课程、上交好大学、复旦东西部联盟全面上线。指导学生参加全国工业工程改善大赛获二等奖1项、三等奖2项,获陕西省工业工程改善创意大赛特等奖、一等奖各1项。参加神华集团、陕汽集团、深圳机场集团等公司管理咨询项目10余项。发表国际国内文章60余篇。主编《工程经济学》、《工程经济》(全国自学考试指定教材)教材、著有《战略外包决策》等专著2部,参编《系统工程》等4部教材。担任5th IEMI (2014)国际会议组委会主席。第五届全球华人工业工程与物流管理院系主管联席会组委会主席。
担任国家自然科学基金同行评审专家,科技部创新方法专项评审专家。International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Production Economics, Annals of Operations Research, ,IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics—Part C 等国际期刊的评审专家。担任IFIP TC8 WG8.9 EIS-CN高级会员,2006 IFIP 国际会议(维也纳)EIS in Industry Section分会场主席,2006 ICLSMC 国际会,(香港) Session 2-3合作主席。2013 SRC-SEMS分会场主席。2016 46 CIE(Computer and Industry Engineering) IPC(国际程序委员会委员)。已经在International Journal of Production Research, Annals of Operations Research,International Journal of Production Economics,European Journal of Operational Research,Computers & Industrial Engineering,Journal of the Operational Research Society,Enterprise Information Systems International Journal of Production Research,European Journal of Operational Research等国际高水平期刊发表论文12篇,国内期刊论文50余篇,会议文章46篇,出版专著2部。
Wu F, Li H Z, Chu L K*, Sculli D.Supplier selection for outsourcing from the perspective of protecting crucial product knowledge.International Journal of Production Research, 2013, 51(5):1508-1519,SCI检索(000313028800013),EI检索(20125115827173),近五年影响因子:1.770.
Ni J, Chu L K*, Wu F, Sculli D, Shi Y. A multi-stage financial hedging approach for the procurement of manufacturing materials.European Journal of Operational Research, 2012, 221(2):424-431, SCI检索(000304849700016),EI检索(20122115040383),近五年影响因子:2.911.
W.Zong, F. Wu, L.K. Chu*, D.Sculli. A discriminative and semantic feature selection method for text cateforization. International Journal of Production Economics, 2015, 165:215-222, SCI检索(000356110400021),EI检索(20150400449679),近五年影响因子:3.069.
Lei Shu, Feng Wu*, Jian Ni, Lap-Keung Chu. On the Risk-averse Procurement Strategy under Unreliable Supply. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2015, 84: 113-121, SCI检索(000355040100012),EI检索(20150800548812),近五年影响因子:2.412.
Shi Y, Wu F, Chu L K*, Sculli D, Xu Y H. A portfolio approach to managing procurement risk using multi-stage stochastic programming. Journal of the Operational Research Society,2011, 62(11):1958-1970, SCI检索(000295899100006),EI检索(20114114411286),SSCI检索(000295899100006),近五年影响因子:1.246.
Mingming Deng*, Alan H.S. Chan, Feng Wu, Jun Wang. Effects of racing games on risky driving behavior, and the significance of personality and physiological data. Injury Prevention, 2015,21(4),238-244.SCI检索(000358298600004),SSCI检索(000358298600004),近五年影响因子:0.798.
W.Zong, F. Wu, L.K. Chu*, D.Sculli. Identification of Approximately Duplicate Material Records in ERP Systems. Enterprise Information Systems, 2015,SCI检索、EI检索(20152801029037),DOI: 10.1080/17517575.2015.1065513.
舒磊*,吴锋. 不可靠供应下的风险厌恶采购单阶段模型. 系统管理学报, 24(4), 602-609, 2015. 自然科学基金A类期刊.
邓明明*,吴锋,王军. 基于证据理论的煤矿工人事故倾向预测研究. 人类工效学,2015,21(2),52-55. 中国科技核心期刊.
吴锋,舒磊*,陈晨. 多渠道组合采购的风险厌恶决策.系统管理学报, 23(1),79-84, 2014.自然科学基金A类期刊.
谭政*,吴锋,王清清. 数据处理服务外包公司多层复合技能人力资源调配问题研究. 运筹与管理, 23(2) , 226-236,2014. 自然科学基金A类期刊.
谭政*,吴锋,刘敏. 多目标数据处理服务外包业务工艺规划研究. 运筹与管理, 2014.自然科学基金A类期刊(已录用).
宗威*, 吴锋. 大数据时代下数据质量的挑战. 西安交通大学学报《社科版》, 33(5) , 38-43,2013. 人文社科类核心期刊,CSSCI检索.
宗威*,吴锋,马超. 基于双因素理论的ERP实施成功认知差异研究. 工业工程与管理, 18(5) 80-87, 2013. 自然科学基金B类期刊.
谭政*, 吴锋, 朱静. 数据处理服务外包人因失误追溯与概率研究. 工业工程与管理,18(1), 111-117, 2013. 自然科学基金B类期刊.
谭政*, 吴锋, 朱静. 基于CREAM的数据处理外包录入人因失误分析研究. 人类工效学,19 (3),61-66, 2013. 中国科技核心期刊.
谭政*, 吴锋, 朱静. 基于时间压力的数据录入员录入绩效实验研究. 工业工程与管理, 17(6), 117-121, 2012.自然科学基金B类期刊.
陈晨*, 吴锋. 基于期货、期权与现货组合的采购决策和风险控制研究. 运筹与管理,20(4), 149-154, 2011. 自然科学基金A类期刊.
吴锋*,刘敏. 单一成本目标数据处理服务外包业务工艺规划研究. 运筹与管理,20(6), 172-181, 2011. 自然科学基金A类期刊.
Si-si Zhao*, Feng Wu , Lei Shu. Optimal Promised Delivery Lead Time for E-tailers with Delay Dependent Customer Returns.
The 22nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2015 (IEEM 2015), 2015, Nov. 7-8, Guangzhou, China.EI检索.
Lei Shu, Feng Wu*. Risk-averse Procurement Strategy in Presence of Strategic Customer. The 45th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE45), 2015, October 28-30, Metz, France.
Feng Wu. Lean Production Practice in China——a Case in Coal Industry. The Technical Program in the 45th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE45), 2015, October 28-30, Metz, France.
Yi Qu*, Feng Wu, Wei Zong. A Vehicle routing problem with time windows attended home distribution. The Second International Conference on Data Science (ICDS), 2015, AUGUST 8-9, Sydney, Australia.
Wei Zong*, Feng Wu, Zhengrui Jiang, Yi Qu. A Study on Optimal Policy for Purchase Data Updating in ERP Systems. The Second International Conference on Data Science (ICDS), 2015, AUGUST 8-9, Sydney, Australia.
Xin Huang*, Zhengrui Jiang, Feng Wu, Wei Zong. Optimization of data granularity based on materialized views in data warehouse. International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science 2015 (IRC-SEMS2015), 2015,27 - 28 March, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
Lanlan Zheng*, Zijun Zhang, Feng Wu. A Shelf Allocation Problem for Fresh Products with Continuous Location Effect. International Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science 2015 (IRC-SEMS2015), 2015, March 27-28,Wuhan.
W.Zong*, Feng Wu. Feature selection with semantic measurement in text categorization. The 4th Institute of Industrial Engineers Asian Conference (IIE Asian 2014) and the 2014 5th International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation (IEMI2014), 2014, July 21-22, Xi’an.
Mingming Deng*, Feng Wu, Linyan Sun. Test and Analysis of Chinese Coal Miners’Vision Ability, The 4th IIE Asian Conference 2014 (IIE Asian 2014) and the 2014 5th International Asia Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Innovation (IEMI2014), 2014, July 21-22, Xi’an.
W. Zong*, Feng Wu. Duplicated Material Records Identification in ERP Systems: A Data Quality Improvement Framework. The 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 1-5, 2014, Philadelphia, PA.
Pingping Feng*, Ya Liu, Feng Wu. Integration of production planning and transportation planning problem. Spring Research Conference on Systems Engineering and Management Science, 2013, May 10-11.
W. Zong*, Feng Wuand Nouman Muhammad. Research on Improving Data Quality in Production Management Module During ERP Implementation Based on IPMAP. MIT CDOIQ (Annual MIT Chief Data Officer and Information Quality) Symposium, 2013, July 17-19.
W.Zong*, F.Wu, Z.R. Jiang, N.M. Wang. The Challenge of Data Quality in the Age of Big Data. The 2nd International Symposium on System Informatics and Engineering (Informs), 2013, held in Xi’an, July 8-9.
Zheng Tan*,Feng Wu, Zhengxiang Zhang. The multi-level and multi-skill labor staffing and scheduling model for data entry companies. The 4th international conference on industrial engineering and management innovation in Asia. Tai Wan, 2013.July 17-18.
Lei Shu*,Feng Wu. Risk-averse procurement with unreliable supply. The 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA,2013, October 6-9.
Lei Shu*, Feng Wu. Risk-averse procurement with unreliable supply: a single period model. The 43rd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Hong Kong, 2013, October 16-18.
W.Zong*, F. Wu, PP. Li. Research on cleaning inaccurate data in production management module in ERP. 9th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM), 2012, held in Shang Hai, July2-4. EI检索(20124015485217).
Lei Shu*, Feng Wu. Single-period procurement decision under production uncertainty. The 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management & the 9th International Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, held in Xi’an, 2012, July 14-18.
Tan, Z.*, F. Wu, et al. Research on process planning of data entering outsourcing based on task cost and duration objects. 8th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM), 2011, held in Tian Jin. pp 1-5.EI检索(20121014827581).
W. Zong, F. Wu, PP. Li. Approaches of Cleaning Inconsistent Data in operation system-ERP. 2011 International Symposium on Information Systems and Management in Asia Pacific (ISMAP),Xi’an, 2011December 8-10.
吴锋获工业工程专业(本科)自学考试优秀教师 国家工业机械局(原机械部),部级,1998年