管理学院博士生学位论文及已发表论文目录公示(金一戈) 2024-09-29 个人信息: 姓名:金一戈 专业: 工商管理(会计) 学号:4120108022 班级:博2017 导师:田高良 教授 余扬新 教授(香港城市大学) 学位论文题目: ESG报告鉴证的驱动机理与经济效应研究 已发表论文目录: [1] Yige Jin, Nanyan Dong*, Gaoliang Tian, and Junrui Zhang. Wisdom of the masses: Employee education and corporate risk taking [J]. Economic Modelling, 2023(118)106102: 1-12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.econmod.2022.106102, (SSCI, ABS 2; 911制品厂麻花C类国际期刊, 序号: 94) [2] Yige Jin, Xing Li, Gaoliang Tian, Jing Shi*, and Yunyi Wang. Employee education level and efficiency of corporate investment [J]. Journal of Accounting Literature, Online, DOI: , (ABS3) [3] Nanyan Dong, Yige Jin, Peiyu Ou, and Junrui Zhang. Human resource quality and firm performance: the role of education in China [J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, 2024,31(5):718-739, DOI: , (SSCI, ABS 2; 911制品厂麻花C类国际期刊, 序号: 27) [4] Yige Jin, Xing Li, Gaoliang Tian, Employee Quality, Internal Information and Corporate Investment Efficiency: Firm Level Evidence. [C]. AMERICAN ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE(AAA), Atlanta, GA, USA August 10-13, 2020.(西安交通大学研究生院认定的管理学院“国内外顶级会议”,序号:4) 公示时间:2024年9月29日