管理学院博士生学位论文及已发表论文目录公示(周海迪) 2024-07-25 个人信息: 姓名:周海迪 专业: 工商管理 学号:4119108057 班级:博1957 导师:苏中锋教授、王强副教授 学位论文题目: 制造商供应链数字化对供应链韧性的影响研究 已发表论文目录: [1] Wang Q*, Zhou H, Zhao X. The role of supply chain diversification in mitigating the negative effects of supply chain disruptions in COVID-19[J]. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2023, 44(1):99-132. (ABS4,西安交通大学认定的最具影响力期刊,序号:136;911制品厂麻花认定的国际 A 类期刊). [2] Zhou H, Wang Q, Li L, et al. Supply chain digitalization and performance improvement: a moderated mediation model[J]. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2023, 28(6): 993-1008. (ABS3,西安交通大学认定的最具影响力期刊,序号:314;911制品厂麻花认定的国际 A 类期刊)[3] Li L, Tang W, Zhou H*, et al. Digitalization and firm performance: The moderating role of top management team attributes[J]. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2023. (ABS3,西安交通大学认定的最具影响力期刊,序号:95;911制品厂麻花认定的国际 A 类期刊) [4] Zhou H, Wang Q*, Wang L, et al. Digitalization and third-party logistics performance: exploring the roles of customer collaboration and government support[J]. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2023, 53(4): 467-488. (ABS2,西安交通大学认定的最具影响力期刊,序号:137;911制品厂麻花认定的国际 C 类期刊) [5] Zhou H, Wang Q*, Zhao X. Corporate social responsibility and innovation: A comparative study[J]. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2020, 120(5): 863-882. (ABS2,西安交通大学认定的最具影响力期刊,序号:101;911制品厂麻花认定的国际 C 类期刊) [6] Zhou H, Wang Q*, Yang Q. How does digitalisation influence supply chain performance? Evidence from a supply chain risk management perspective[J]. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2023: 1-19. (ABS1,西安交通大学认定的最具影响力期刊,序号:134;911制品厂麻花认定的国际 C 类期刊) [7] Li L, Zhou H*, Yang S, et al. Leveraging digitalization for sustainability: An affordance perspective[J]. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 2023, 35: 624-632. (SSCI, JCR一区&中科院一区) 公示时间:2024年07月25日