管理学院博士研究生归国报告通知 2020-12-15 报告时间:12月15日(星期二)15:00-18:40 报告地点:管理学院314教室 每位报告人20分钟。请报告人认真梳理总结,针对参与项目结合辫辫迟文稿做10-15分钟的汇报,其余时间做问答讨论。 报告内容及时间安排: 序号 报告人 报告主题 报告时间 备注 1 卢亭宇 Channel Diversification, Conflict, and the Moderating Role of IT and Institutional Development 15:00-15:20 础翱惭会议 2 刘瑞佳 Managing Technology Transfer between Coopetitive Firms: The Roles of Coopetition,Asset Specificity and Justice 15:20-15:40 短访项目 3 何奇东 Hybrid Collecting Competition under Convenience-Perceived Customers 15:40-16:00 颁厂颁项目 4 邓巍 The Configurational Impact of Internal and External Factors of National Innovation System on the National Innovation Capability under the Background of “The Belt and Road Initiative” 16:00-16:20 颁厂颁项目 5 吕斯尧 The Role of Entrepreneurs’ Empathy in New Venture Performance: The Mediating Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation 16:20-16:40 颁厂颁项目 6 姚进 The Curvilinear Relationship between Team Member Boundary Spanning Differentiation and Creativity 16:40-17:00 颁厂颁项目 7 高丹丹 The Value of Information Sharing in Online Retail Supply Chain Considering Product Loss 17:00-17:20 颁厂颁项目 8 杨逸 Privacy Preserving Cost-Sensitive Learning 17:20-17:40 颁厂颁项目 9 王浩 1.The Risk of Exchanging Data Evidence from Health Information Exchange Adoption2.Service Failure and Consumers’ Satisfaction with the Healthcare Industry: Moderating Role of Recommendation 17:40-18:00 短访项目、贬滨颁厂厂会议 10 樊慧荣 Design of Win-Win Return Policies for Online Retailers 18:00-18:20 短访项目 11 朱桂阳 Whetherand When More Information is Better: Considering Consumers’ Purchase and Return Decisions in Online Markets with Product Fit Uncertainty 18:20-18:40 颁厂颁项目 管理学院教务中心 2020年12月15日