题目:Project Management Frontiers with Artificial Intelligence
主讲人:Prof. Mauro Mancini
时间:5月8日(周一)上午 10:00-11:30

嘉宾介绍:Prof. Mauro Mancini,意大利米兰理工大学管理、经济和工业工程系项目管理教授,米兰理工大学管理研究生院副院长,国际硕士项目主任,在Industrial Plants Management, Project Management, Building Information Modelling and Megaprojects等国际期刊发表文章100余篇,出版著作10余部,在石油和天然气、建筑、军事、能源、数字支付和基础设施建设等不同工业领域主持国家及国际研究、咨询项目20余项。
讲座摘要:The era of Digital transformation is proposing the usage of computer science in completely new ways and areas of application mainly the continuous interaction with human beings. This phenomenon is fostering the possibility to test those applications in a very wide range of the worldwide population giving the chance to speed up the process of new needs identification and implementation. The Artificial Intelligence is following exactly this path emerging as one of the most promising hypotheses for improving many processes that still suffer from inefficiency and inaccuracy. Nevertheless, AI usage is at the very infant stage. The speech aims at presenting the state of art of AI application and their potentialities in project management field through a wide literature review followed by a discussion and identification of new trends both in academic research and industrial applications. The result shows that in almost all knowledge areas, the application of AI techniques can help to reduce the time spent on repetitive, low-value-added tasks, allowing the project manager to focus on managing the team and creating added value for the company. Nevertheless, many challenges remain. On the one hand, the need to change the figure of the project manager in their professional and educational paths. On the other hand, the need for large amounts of data to achieve acceptable levels of accuracy of predictive models makes the use of AI techniques still partially distant from practice.